Offshore crewing

Reliable and Experienced Construction Crew for Your Offshore Projects

From Captains to Deckhands: The Offshore Partners Provides the Complete Marine Crewing
We Connect Your Technical and HR Teams for the Perfect Talent Match
Achieve Your Offshore Ambitions with The Offshore Partners' Crewing Services
Reach out to us:
+31 (0)10 491 4131
We guide you at every step
The Offshore Partners offers comprehensive support to their team members, taking care of everything from the moment they leave home to the moment they return. With a 24/7 availability, our goal is to enable our employees to fully focus on their work onsite or onboard while we handle all the logistical aspects, ensuring a seamless door-to-door journey.
Contact us
Contact info
Our address
Waalhaven Zuidzijde 21, 3089 JH Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Our email
Our phone number
+31 (0)10 491 4131