Our people

At our company, we firmly believe that our people are the driving force behind our aspirations. They embody our core values, contribute their expertise, and help reach our goal.

The team that drive our ambitions

Our skilled and diverse workforce serves as the cornerstone of our achievements. They bring extensive experience, valuable skills, and unique viewpoints to each project, igniting innovation and propelling us to new horizons. With their unwavering resolve and spirit of collaboration, they foster an environment where ideas flourish and solutions thrive.

Josso van Boxtel
Manon Vrolijk
Manager Recruitment
Esther de Vries
Management Assistant
Eva Heemskerk
Back Office
Djeck Bogaarts
Manager Projects
Edwin Visser
Naval Architect
Funda Sengünlü
Crewing Coordinator
Jochem van der Hoff
Naval Architect
Majd Al Ali Hassouneh
Recruitment Consultant
Melek Saglam
Financial Administrator
Remmelt Heemskerk
Principal Naval Architect
Sandy van Kints
Company Counselor
Selma Deba
Financial Administrator
Theo Vollaard
Business Development
Barbara van t’Hof
Financial Administrator
Bas Valk
Business Development
Brasil Frankhuisen
Crewing Coordinator
Dennis Munters
Project Engineer
Desy Purnamasari
Recruitment Consultant
Gijs Peters
Project Manager
Luka Prooi
Back Office
Vita Onipchuk
Crewing Coordinator
Zehra Sarihan
Recruitment Consultant
Caroline Vis
Manager Crewing
Zsófia Sólyom
Back Office Employee
Madhevi Badrie
HR Assistant/Content Specialist
Rick Markestein
Project Engineer

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