Conversion of the ‘Amazon’, McDermott’s Deepwater Construction Support and Pipelay Vessel.
The Offshore Partners have been involved in the conversion of the ‘Amazon’, Mc Dermott´s Deepwater Construction Support and Pipelay Vessel, capable of executing complex infrastructure and pipeline projects in ultra-deep water.
The 199 meter long vessel is equipped with a fully enclosed 1,653 ST [1,500 MT] dynamic hex joint J-Lay system rated for 11,483 ft [3,500 m] water depth. The hex-joint Dual Production Barrels Fabricate SJ or DJ into Quad, Pent or Hex Joints including ready rack; Fully integrated pipe fabrication production equipment including application of thermal insulation, anti-corrosion and abrasion-resistant coatings.
The Offshore Partners’ services included engineering management, design and engineering review for vessel conversion and pipe-lay equipment during design phase, project support for specification, design and purchasing of the owner’s pipeline production equipment. Furthermore planning support, construction and commissioning supervision for pipelay and pipeline production equipment, vessel conversion and sea trials.